A Travel to God’s Own Country.

This time of the year is called the vacation time, where children enjoy a lot ,wait all through the year to just get these days. This is also the time of the year when the Indian Railways are overbooked,people travel to all over India as to moving back towards their native places the places they are from.Show their children where are they born and what all things they do and all around stories like that.

There is another part of people who are Wanderlust i.e they just move around places in this part of the year so for them one of the places i would suggest is  GOD’S OWN COUNTRY KERALA. Currently the climate of India is very hot so moving to south part of India is a very good idea.


One of the places that can be visited in KERALA is ALAPPUZHA . One of the famous backwater places in Kerala. As we all know Kerala is full of greenery so if you feel hot over there just take a good swim into the water.




The other thing is as you can see into the picture is a houseboat into the water,so if you have no place to stay to you can goo ahead and take a around across the sea in these houseboats and its according to how they charge you. Once u get into this you need not worry about anything the reason it is called an houseboat because you get everything inside it .Fresh food that are made by them at their home and also they help you to catch a good fish i.e they help you with a general knowledge of fishing.

And the most important race of Kerala is Boat racing which is one of the traditional games over here, if you are interested to watch this racing then do visit in the month of August.

So if anyone interested and thinking about where to go this year in these holidays then ALAPPUZHA is the right place to go to.

If you people want to do the bookings:

CALL ON : 8652059161.

                   KARUNYA HOUSEBOATS.


Peace out .

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